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Find Out What Causes Bark to Fall Off Trees Here
- Tree Services

Find Out What Causes Bark to Fall Off Trees Here

Is your tree’s bark starting to peel off out of a sudden? While this event is something that’s common among some tree species, in other cases it can represent a threat for your tree. Learn what causes bark to fall off trees here!

There are multiple reasons why the trees on your property might start to shed. For this reason, it’s vital for you to know the main causes of this phenomenon. That way, you can monitor the health of your trees and know if the shedding is due to natural or dangerous reasons.

What Causes Bark to Fall Off Trees? 5 Reason Behind Shedding Bark

A tree’s bark acts as its protective layer. That’s why it’s only natural to worry whenever this protective layer starts to crack and peel off.

Many people tend to associate this sort of behavior as threatening. However, there are a number of causes that might make your trees start shedding, from good to bad. That’s why you must know them before jumping to any conclusions.

Wondering what causes bark to fall off trees? Here are 5 reasons why your trees might shed their bark:

  • Your tree is exfoliating
  • Certain fungal diseases
  • The tree is suffering from animal damage
  • Environmental causes such as frost damage
  • Your tree has thin bark

Your Tree Is Exfoliating

In some cases, just because your tree is peeling its bark it doesn’t mean that it isn’t a healthy tree. Believe it or not, some trees peel its bark from time to time and it’s completely normal.  They do this as a way to replace any old layers of fibrous tissues. Think of it as a snake when it sheds its old skin.

Old bark can many times become dry and lose its elasticity. As a result, cracks and splits start to appear. In some tree species, such as paper or white paper birch, the bark can start having a curled layout.

Some trees that shed for exfoliation purposes include silver maples, redbuds, birch, and sycamore trees. Additionally, exfoliation can happen in stages, as well as when your tree starts to get older.

Certain Fungal Diseases

Tree Bark Fungal Disease

There are certain fungal diseases that might cause your tree to start peeling its bark. The most common disease is Hypoxylin canker.

You can identify if your tree suffers from this disease by evaluating its bark. If the peeling is accompanied by a yellowish substance and its leaves are starting to wilt, then it’s likely that your tree has a fungal disease.

Sadly, in most cases, trees that suffer from this sort of issue have no remedy. For this reason, the best thing a homeowner can do is getting it removed in order to prevent its spread to other trees. By removing it, you’ll also prevent injury coming from weak branches falling off whenever they aren’t at the right distance from your home.

You can prevent your tree from suffering this sort of ailment by granting it the right tree care. A key action you can take is avoiding any surplus or drought of water for your trees. Moreover, be mindful of your trees whenever there are any sudden temperature changes.

The Tree Is Suffering from Animal Damage


Tree Suffering from Animal Damage

Many tree bugs, such as the emerald ash borer or ants, can cause your tree to start peeling off. This instance is most common with pine trees since they are most susceptible to pine beetles.

If bugs continue to develop and generate damage to your trees, it will eventually start presenting other symptoms. This can eventually lead to the demise of your tree.

To know whether your tree suffers from animal damage or not, you’ll need to take a closer look at the trunk. Remove a piece of loose bark and examine if there are any insect eggs beneath it.

Another sign that your tree might count on larvae is if birds start appearing more often near your tree. The reason behind this is because birds love to prey on these small insects.

In case your tree counts on bugs, then it’s best for you to allow a tree expert to handle this situation.

Environmental Causes such as Frost Damage


Frost Damage on Tree Bark

Moreover, when it comes to common causes bark fall off trees, we have environmental stress. Whenever there are extreme temperatures in the area, your tree can suffer from this event. Some common events that can happen to your trees due to extreme temperatures include frost damage and sun scalding.

For this reason, homeowners should beware of any temperature changes their trees might experience throughout the year. Be sure to check on the south or southwest side of the trees, since this is where wide exposed areas tend to develop the most. In some instances, trees can die if frost or sunscald gets into these areas.

Your Tree Has Thin Bark


Tree with Thin Bark

Lastly, there’s the chance that your tree has thin bark. While this is a common occurrence in some tree species, you’ll want to make sure that this is your case.

Generally speaking, trees with thin bark tend to shed during warmer seasons, such as spring and fall. They do so as a way of making ready for a long period of photosynthesis. That’s why they use this timing, to get as much sunlight as they can through the cracks.

If you find your tree shedding at certain times of the year, then it’s very likely that it counts on thin bark. Just like exfoliation, thin bark on a tree isn’t something you should concern about.

By knowing what causes bark to fall off trees, it’s time for you to make an assessment over your tree! Is your tree shedding due to a fungal infection or is it simply due to natural causes?

In case you still aren’t sure what your tree might have, then you can never go wrong with an expert by your side. By contacting a professional tree service, they’ll be able to grant you a complete verdict of your tree’s condition! That way, you’ll know which will be the best decision for your trees.